Christmas Poinsettias (Red) to be given in memory or in honor of your loved ones are now ready for order ($10.00 each pot). Orders must include the names of recipients and the giver. Checks must be payable to Roslyn Nowak. All orders must be received by December 18th.
Please fill out form below, print and mail to First Baptist Church, 493 Main St., Malden, MA. 02148. For inquiries, please call Church Office (781) 324-2745 or email:
I would like to order ____________ Red Poinsettias at $10.00 per pot to be given in memory or in honor of:
___________________________________________ by ______________________________________________
___________________________________________ by ______________________________________________
___________________________________________ by ______________________________________________
___________________________________________ by ______________________________________________
Payment enclosed $ ____________ Checks payable to First Baptist Church of Malden, MA.
Please indicate with ( X ) mark for instruction below:
I will pick up ( )
Please give to a shut-in ( )