Thanksgiving Letter 2024
November 2024
Dear First Baptist Church of Malden,
As our season of giving thanks approaches, I am mindful that we have been giving “thanks” in many ways throughout this past year:
We give Thanks for our continued partnership with Pastor Gary and Maplewood Baptist Church, and are especially thankful for the reutrn of Pastor Gary’s voice, even as he continues to undergo treatments for other health issues.
We give thanks that the parsonage at 36 Wesmur Road is under contract at a favorable price and will soon bless a new family as their residence.
We have given thanks by way of service, donations of time and talents, and prayer, through our monthly Feeding Ministry, local and international missions, and in many ways individually and collectively.
We will continue to give Thanks through upcoming worship services:
Sunday, November 24th – Thanksgiving Sunday and Ingathering (collection of food items).
Tuesday, November 26th – Special Thanksgiving Service led by Pastor Gary (7 pm, Church Parlor)
Sunday, December 8th – Morning worship with believer’s baptism.
Sunday, December 8th – Annual Festival of Carols (5 pm, rehearsal 3 pm).
The Thanksgiving Ingathering will once again benefit Bread of Life. Suggested donations are non-perishable Thanksgiving items (canned vegetables, mashed potatoes, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce) as well as general food items such as fruit cups, small raisin boxes, granola/breakfast bars, and individual juice boxes. Gift cards to Stop and Shop are also welcomed.
In this season of being thankful for what we have been given, you may feel led to make a special gift to the church. Enclosed is a special Thanksgiving offering envelope in the mail. More Thanksgiving offerings can be sent by mail to the church office and Sunday Worship offering plates. All monies receive from this offering will be divided equally between operating expenses and the Board of Christian Mission.
It is also our tradition on Thanksgiving Sunday to offer our financial pledges to the church for the coming year. We ask our members and friends to prayerfully consider what they can financially pledge to support the ministry of First Baptist Church. The enclosed pledge card in the mail provides the opportunity to designate a level of support for each area of the budget in 2025: Operating Expenses, Property and Repair, and Christian Mission. You may either mail your pledge to the Church office or present it on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 24th, during our worship service. It is through your pledges that the Finance Trustees are able to establish a budget for the upcoming year.
With grateful thanks for what the Lord is doing in our midst.
Michael Huddy, Moderator
On behalf of the Board of Finance Trustees and the Board of Christian Mission
Thanksgiving Night with Pastor Gary. November 26, 2024. Please click here.
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