Elizabeth “Betty” Hickey passed away on Friday morning, March 4, 2022. She is 85 years old. Betty, as the church commonly call her was born on December 17, 1936. Betty is a longtime member of First Baptist Church of Malden. She has been involved in many church sponsored activities and faithful in attending the Sunday Worship services and bible study held every Tuesday. Betty was a former President of the Women’s Society. With her faithful service, the Malden Council of churches voted her as Layperson of the Year in 1992.

Betty is one person who doesn’t talk much about herself, rather put anyone’s attention to the wellbeing of her family and friends. She has been through many trials healthwise but always praised God that because of these trials her faith in God through Jesus Christ is strengthened every day.

Betty and James during the church sponsored bowling competition. James plays while Betty cheers.

Betty was always present in every activity of First Baptist Malden. Social gathering is one of them. Betty and James are great in cheering and boosting morale especially during the church sponsored bowling competition.





Tuesday Bible Study Group May 26, 2015

Tuesday Bible study with Pastor Martha as teacher, was one activity that Betty and James do not miss. At times when they were both absent, that was when they went out of State to visit their family or one was sick.



More activities like Daily vacation bible school, regular visitation of members, yard sale, feeding ministry, Habitat for Humanity lunches are some activities they are involved in. On top of her involvement is to attend the worship services on Sundays, stay for fellowship during the coffee hour, and attend special events like the carol festival, and other fund raising events. To say in a few words “where the church action is, there Betty is”.

Betty is an extraordinary homemaker, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She has 4 grown children, 12 grandchildren, and 20 great grandchildren. She is survived by James Hickey, her ever faithful husband, her three daughters, Genevieve, Sheryl, Elizabeth, and son, James the 2nd. The church will miss Betty, yet, knowing that she is now with the Lord who loves her, and where there is no more pain, brings joy to everyone.

“In Remembrance” by James Southbridge, Organ played by Marilyn Glover

Memorial Service on March 9, 2024, here
Memorial Service in YouTube >