In-person Sunday Worship Service starts at 11:00 a.m.
Church Bulletin 2015
▪Change of Worship Venue. Worship Service will be held in the church parlor starting next Sunday, December 27 at 11:00 a.m. Fellowship follows in the Church kitchen. Nursery care is provided for infants and toddlers during the worship service.
▪Thursday, December 24 at 7:00 p.m. is Christmas Eve Service with Carols and Candles.
▪Sunday, December 20 is Christmas Sunday. If you would like to order RED poinsettia please fill out an order form with the names of your loved ones (order forms are available in the church office and the church bulletin given out on Sunday Worship service). Please send the order form with the $15 check payable to Boy Scout Troop 603 to the Church office on or before Sunday, December 13, 2015.
Thanksgiving Ingathering
Dedication of Thanksgiving Offering and 2016 Pledges
During the 11:00 a.m. worship service this Sunday, November 22
You are invited to bring non-perishable food for Thanksgiving dinners.
All donations will be used by clients of Housing Families.
The Penny Project to help Children in Need
This autumn fundraiser will conclude soon.
To date, close to $900 has been donated. Our challenge goal is $2,000.
Every penny donated represents one child living in poverty in the USA.
(Our denomination estimates there are 15 million children in this situation.)
All funds raised at Malden FBC will be used for children’s programs at Housing Families.
Angel Tree Project for Christmas Gifts
Now through December 13
A bulletin board in Judson Chapel has tags with requested gifts for clients of Housing Families
If you would like to help bring joy to a parent or child this Christmas,
take one or more tags and purchase the item(s) to be returned to the church by Dec 13.
Church Decorating for the Advent and Christmas Season
Saturday, December 5 10 a.m.
Help trim trees, and hang garland and wreaths as we prepare our church for the holidays
Women’s Christmas Tea
Saturday, December 12 2 p.m. in the Parlor
You are invited to enjoy light refreshments and a program of special holiday music
Festival of Carols
Sunday, December 13 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Concert will feature holiday music provided by a combined choir
as well as groups from Casa de Fe and Global Ark Baptist
▪Thanksgiving Ingathering Sunday, November 22 at 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. Clients of Housing Families will receive our donations to help them have delicious holiday meals. Please plan to share some of your favorite dinner ingredients.
▪White Cross Request list of items this year is available on the desk in Judson Chapel. Please sign up if you are willing to supply any of the requested items. These will be used by the Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries.
▪Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 1, 2015. Please remember to set your clocks one hour back by Saturday night
▪The American Baptist Women of First Baptist Church, Malden will meet on Saturday, October 10 at 11:00 a.m. All church family members are invited to attend. Marilyn Glover will share photos and information from her trip to South Africa then followed by a pot-luck lunch.
▪Glen Ridge Service on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
▪Feeding Ministry on Friday, September 18, 2015 at 3:30 p.m.
▪Church Office closed on Labor Day, September 7, 2015.
▪Worship Service venue is transferred to the Church Sanctuary starting Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers in the air-conditioned Nursery.
▪Rally Day is Sunday, September 13. Please register your children at 10:30 a.m. A combined class will follow the “moments with the children” in the Sanctuary. Stay after church and join us for a “make your own Sundae” party.
▪Bread of Life 23rd Annual Walk for Bread & 5k run on October 4, 2015 at Pine Banks Park, Melrose.
▪Joint worship with Casa de Fe y Alabanza on Sunday, September 27 at 11:00 a.m. in Fuller Hall on the 2nd floor of the Parish House. Meal will be held in Judson Chapel of First Baptist. This event is one of the highlights of Casa de Fe’s 15th year anniversary celebration.
▪Congratulations to this year’s scholarship recipients, Sophie Damas, Ndindam Ndiwane, and Ngobitak Ndiwane.
▪This is a reminder of the Special Congregational Business Meetingthat will be held in the Sanctuary at about 12:00 noon (immediately after the worship service) this coming Sunday, June 28, 2015. The primary purpose of the meeting is to adopt 12-month budgets for 2015. If you were able to attend the Annual Meeting in February, you may recall that our level of income for the second half of 2015 was uncertain at that time, and on the recommendation of the particular boards, officers and Church Council, the congregation voted to temporarily continue working under the 2014 budgets through June 30, 2015. The income from the Head Start tenant has been secured for the remainder of this year and the Finance Trustees have prepared an Operating Budget based on projected income and expenses. The Property Trustee Board and Board of Christian Mission will be presenting budgets with no changes from those accepted at the Annual Meeting.
As I reminded our new members and those in attendance at worship last Sunday, two of the “5 Sweet Peas of Church Membership” are to be PRESENT and PARTICIPATING members – in worship, study, social and business events of the congregation. I hope many of you will be able to attend the Special Congregational Business Meeting this coming Sunday. If you are unable to attend, please practice one of the other “Sweet Peas” – be a PRAYING member, as you remember our congregation in your prayers.
Please also note: We will NOTbe changing the time of the worship service this summer. The service will remain at 11 a.m. We will worship in the Parlor July 5 – September 6 at 11 a.m
Saturday, June 13 12:00 p.m.
American Baptist Women’s Ministries
Pot-luck lunch and Annual meeting
All the women in the church family are invited to attend
Sunday, June 14 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Day
The students in our Sunday School will lead us in worship.
This is also the U.S. Flag Day and attendees are invited to
wear patriotic–colored clothing
Sunday, June 21 11:00 a.m.
Tools of Hope Honor Roll
All Tools of Hope gifts in memory or honor of loved ones
will be listed in the bulletin. Deadline to make gifts so they
may be included in the list is Tuesday, June 16.
Sunday, June 28 12:00 p.m.
Special Congregational Business Meeting
Purpose is to adopt 2015 budgets for the entire year.
At the annual business meeting in February,
due to income uncertainties,
the congregation voted temporary budgets through June.
Summer worship in the Parlor – 11:00 a.m.
July 5 – September 6
During June, the Parlor will need to be set-up for summer worship services.
Anyone willing to help with this project is asked to speak with Dave Latta.
▪We are once again sponsoring Tools of Hope for Father’s Day, June 21, 2015. Each $5.00 gift will bring “Tools of Hope” to people who struggle to survive. Tools help bring hope and change. If you would like to give a tool in memory or honor of a loved one please fill out the form inserted in the worship service bulletin and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church. An honor roll of all gifts will be included in the Father’s Day bulletin.
▪This Sunday, May 24, is Pentecost – the day in the Christian calendar when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the early disciples, and to us. The color for the day is RED. You are invited to join in the celebration by wearing something red to church this Sunday.
▪The Church Council reviewed the nominations for Layperson of the Year 2015 and is pleased to announce that this year’s honoree is Ms. Roslyn Nowak. Lunch in her honor will be on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 12:15 p.m. in Judson Chapel. Tickets for this catered meal will be available the next two Sundays during coffee hour. Ticket price: $ 8/adult; $4/child under 10 years of age.
▪Congratulations to our newest church members, Chandrasekar Muthurajan and Sugantha Jeevankumar as the church extended the Right Hand of Fellowship to them on Sunday, June 21, 2015.
▪FBC American Baptist Women’s Ministries Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 13. Time TBA.
▪Children’s Day Worship is on Sunday, June 14 at 11:00 a.m.
▪Summer Worship in the Church Parlor will be held July 5 – September 6 at 11:00 a.m.
▪Feeding Ministry on Friday, May 15 at 3:30 p.m.
▪Glen Ridge Service on Tuesday, May 12 at 2:00 p.m.
▪ Bread of Life Volunteer Recognition Dinner is on Monday, May 11 at 6:00 p.m. in Anthony’s Restaurant located at Canal Street, Malden, MA. Please RSVP to Bread of Life,
Tel. no. 781-397-0404 by May 4.
▪ Scholarship Applications. The church is now accepting scholarship applications. One letter is all that is necessary. Each applicant is asked to submit a written resume which should include a personal profile and aspirations. Please send resume to Mrs. Dorothy Foxon at 23 Ash Hill Road, Reading MA 01876 or email to
▪The massive 7.8 earthquake in Nepal which killed more than 8,000 people and injured more than 14,500 people, occurred at on 25 April. Historic buildings and entire villages were reduced to rubble. Survivors have little refuge after the worst quake to hit the region in 80 years. Read more
▪ Blanket Sunday on Mother’s Day is on May 10, 2015. For each gift of $ 5.00 you will enable someone in need to receive a blanket of warmth and at the same time give you the opportunity to honor and remember your loved ones. Forms will be available as inserts in the worship service bulletin. Please make your check payable to First Baptist Church of Malden and place it in the offering plate or send to the church office. All checks must be received by Sunday, May 3. The American Baptist Women’s Ministries of our church will once again sponsor this project for the Church World Service Blanket Program. Mother’s day cards will also be available in Judson Chapel after the worship service on Sundays before Mother’s day.
▪ Lay Person Of The Year 2015 nomination is now open. This annual event is sponsored by the church council in honor of someone in the church family who goes above and beyond the regular attendance in Sunday Worship Service. A person who is always willing to go that extra mile for the good of the church. Selection is done from the nominations made by the congregation and finally decided on by the Church Council members at their meeting on May, 2015. The selected Lay Person of the Year will be recognized during the worship service and catered lunch on Sunday June 7. Nomination forms are available as inserts in Sunday Worship bulletin and in the church office. Please give your reasons why you feel the person you nominated deserves this honor. Nominations should be given to the Moderator, Lisa Jacobson or Pastor Martha Dominy by May 10.
▪ In observance of the Holy Week, our church will hold the Maundy Thursday Communion Service, April 2 at 7:00 p.m. and on Resurrection Sunday, April 5 at 11:00 a.m. we will have a special Easter Worship. There will be no Sunday School as students and teachers are encouraged to worship with their families.
▪ Good Friday Service will be at St. Paul’s Parish on April 3 at 12:00 noon.
▪ The 30th Annual Ecumenical Palm Sunday Concert will be presented on Sunday, March 29 at 7:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church in 10 Fellsway East, Malden, MA. Area church choirs, soloists, and orchestra will present “The Seven Last Words of Christ” by Dubois. Richard Freeman is baritone soloist. Program director is Ms. Rosalind Mohnsen. Suggested donation is $10. Reception following. For more details please call tel. 781-324-4941.
▪ “Love Gift” is set for printing in our church bulletin on March 15. For $ 5.00 a line, you can support the total program of the American Baptist Churches and honoring your loved ones at the same time. All gifts must be received in the church office by March 10. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church of Malden.
▪ Ash Wednesday worship service on February 18 at 12:00 noon is CANCELED due to forecast of more snowfall and sub-zero temperature.
▪ NO Bible Study tomorrow, Tuesday, February 17 due to more snowfall forecast and sub-zero temperature.
▪ NO church activities this Sunday, February 15 due to the blizzard forecast and Snow Emergency declared by the city of Malden.
Please note other events that are scheduled or are being rescheduled due to snow cancellations:
Tuesday Bible study – will hopefully be able to meet on February 17. The topic will be the one I emailed to participants two weeks ago. We will begin a Lenten series on hymns the following Tuesday.
Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday, February 18. A worship service is scheduled for 12:00 noon with a light lunch provided. This will be held weather permitting (the forecast is for snow on Wednesday). A decision will be made on Tuesday regarding this service – please contact the church office (781-324-2745) with any questions.
Feeding Ministry is next Friday – February 20. This program has never been cancelled due to snow, so those who are able to get to the church will provide.a meal.
Mission Board – this has been re-scheduled to next Sunday, February 22.
Diaconate – this has been rescheduled (for a second time) to March 1.
Storm cancellations will be reported to, and displayed by, the following media: WBZ-TV (channel 4) and WCVB (channel 5) and
Please share any of this information with other church family members and friends, especially those without email. The telephone chain will also be activated soon, so many people will also receive a call. Our feeling has always been that we would prefer someone receive one (or more) notices than none at all.
Please stay warm and safe during this winter to remember! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at the parsonage – 781-322-6810.
Pastor Martha
▪ There will be NO church activities tomorrow, Sunday, February 8. Due to the forecasted snow accumulation overnight through the next few days, the City of Malden has declared a snow emergency as of 8:00 tomorrow morning, Sunday February 8th. The Diaconate meeting is rescheduled for February 22. Depending on the snow accumulation and condition of the roads and parking lot, Bible study on Tuesday, February 10, may also be cancelled. Please stay safe and warm during this snowy period of time.
▪ If you would like to give a $ 5.00 “Love Gift” in memory or in honor of a loved one please fill out the form which is available in the worship bulletin during worship service or in the church office. The church office must receive all gifts by February 10 to be included in the honor roll that will be printed in the bulletin on February 15. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church of Malden.
▪ On Saturday, February 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., our church represented by Marilyn Glover and Susan Bowdridge will set up the Korean Table during the Habitat for Humanity International Food Fair in First Church, Swampscott. Global Ark Baptist Church, our Korean counterpart,will be there to provide real Korean food during the fair. Last year, our church was awarded one of the four prizes for the food booths. Everyone is encouraged to come.
▪ Our 211th Annual Meetingwas held on Sunday, February 1, 2015 as three successive winter storms hit the U.S. East Coast in two weeks. Our Pastor Martha Dominy foresees year 2015 to be a challenging year…but as our motto proclaims, let us “show Faith in God in all we do” and continue the ministry and mission work that we are called and equipped to do. Our moderator, Lisa Jacobson added that “… Our greatest challenge, should be to grow and strengthen our congregation and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. There is much work to be done, and I ask each of you to prayerfully consider how you can contribute your time, talent and resources to our Church.”
▪ Our Annual Business Meetingwill be held on Sunday, February 1, 2015 after the Worship Service (1:00 p.m.) in the Social Hall. All members of the church are encouraged to attend. Soup lunch will be served.
▪ The Souper Bowl of Caring Offeringis on Sunday, February 1, 2015. Proceeds of the offering will be given to the Bread of Life, Malden which, together with our church, feeds the hungry, homeless, and needy in the community
▪ Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) kicks off our giving ministry this January, 2014. Please give generously.
Your comment is welcomed. Thank you.