Children’s classes will not be held on December 25 and January 1 but will resume on January 8.
Financial gifts to the church for 2005 must be received in the church office by December 26th to be credited to your giving record for 2005.
Financial Pledges for 2006 are due at this time. The Finance Committee is preparing the budget for next year and submitted pledges will enable the committee to set accurate goals.
ANNUAL REPORTS are now due. All board and committee chairs responsible for writing reports are asked to submit them as soon as possible to the church office.
ANNUAL REPORT BOOKS will be available for review one week prior to the Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 29, 2006 at 12:30 p.m.
“ADVENT ANGEL “ gifts must be returned no later than Sunday, December 18 unwrapped with the “Angel” card firmly attached. Please include wrapping paper if possible. For more information please contact “Q” leaders Irene Hofmann or Marilyn Glover.
FBC SHIRTS AVAILABLE. First Baptist T-shirts and sweatshirts are available during Social Hour on Sundays. These maroon shirts have an image of the church building and the year our church was established printed on the front in cream, with our motto and name on the back.
Grotonwood Day, Monday, October 10, enjoy great food, fun and fellowship as you visit fellow campers and staff, wander the camp grounds, and play games for fun and prizes.
ABWM. The American Baptist Women’s Ministries of First Baptist Church of Malden will hold their fall meeting on Thursday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the parlor. The evening will begin with dessert and beverage. The program will be “Summer Reflections,” followed by a White Cross Quota presentation. All women of the church are members of ABWM and encouraged to attend this meeting.
Group “Q”. Members of Group “Q” will meet on Monday, October 17 at 6:30 p.m. Members are asked to bring an appetizer or dessert to share at this buffet meeting.
Homecoming and Bring-a-friend Sunday. Church family members – active, inactive, near and far, are encouraged to attend worship on Sunday, October 23rd as we celebrate Homecoming Sunday. That day has also been designated Bring-a-Friend Sunday and we look forward to greeting old and new family members and friends. Children in the Sunday school are also encouraged to bring a friend on that day, special programming will be provided. Lunch will also be served after worship. This will be a wonderful time to renew old friendships and make new friends.
Old-fashioned Ham and Bean Supper and Auction. Your auction committee from the Board of Trustees is happy to announce that the menu for the meal before the auctions to be held on Saturday evening, October 29 at 5:30 p.m. will be an “old-fashioned” Ham and Bean supper, followed by a delicious home-made dessert. Tickets for the combined supper and auction will be on sale during social hour each Sunday, beginning October 2. The cost for the entire evening is $6.00 per person. Those who wish to attend only the auction may purchase an auction admission ticket for $3.00 per person. Tickets may also be purchased from any member of the Trustees or by calling the church office at 781-324-2745. Please note that the deadline for all auction donations is Sunday, October 16. more about the auction>>
The Nominating Committee will hold its first meeting of the fall on Sunday, October 30 at 12:15 in the church parlor.
Judson Fall Gathering. Please mark your calendars and pass the word about the Fall Adoniram Judson Association Gathering! Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. at First Baptist Church, Malden. The day will include worship, concurrent workshops (45 minutes) and a Hand Bell concert of faith music! he offering will support camper scholarships to Grotonwood and Oceanwood for Judson Association children. Anyone interested in participating in a hand bell choir from our church for this program is asked to contact Pastor Dominy or Marilyn Glover soon.
Baptism Service. A service of believer’s baptism will be held on October 30. Membership classes are being held Sunday mornings at 9:30 during October. Anyone interested in baptism or church membership is asked to contact Pastor Dominy.
Tuesday Bible Study. The group meets at 11:30 a.m. in the kitchen and is beginning a study of the book of Acts. Bring a lunch and feed both your stomach and your soul
Lenten Worship Schedule 12:00 noon services:
February 23 at Maplewood Baptist with Rev. Rebecca Garish
March 2 at St. Joseph’s Parish with Father Clark
March 9 at St. Joseph’s Parish with Rev. Gary McClenthen
March 16 at Christ United Methodist with Rev. Jeff Hancock
March 23 at Christ United Methodist with Rev. Randall Ferrara
March 25 GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE at St. Paul’s Episcopal with the Malden Clergy
RMMO. To date we have received $ 502.50 for the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering which exceeded our goal of $ 500.00. Thank you to all who participated.
Church Annual Meeting is set on Sunday, January 30, 2005 after the worship service.
Souper Bowl of Caring. On Sunday, January 30th members of the Board of Christian Mission will receive your $1.00 (or more) donation to this annual event that goes directly to a local organization that ministers to the hungry people in our communities. Bread of Life has been designated as the recipient of this year’s Souper Bowl from our church.
Say Goodbye, and Happy 7th Birthday to the twins John and Joshua. The Ko family is moving back to Korea January 31st. Plan to stay after the service on Sunday, January 16th for a combined goodbye and birthday party. A light lunch will be served.
Retired Ministers And Missionaries Offering which provides “thank you” checks to over 3,000 recipients are being received this month of January, 2005. To date we have received $138.00 towards our church’s goal of $500.00. Our giving is a tangible way to say, “For your labors in the Lord’s harvest, we thank you” – Marilyn Glover, Board of Missions Chair.
Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation Efforts. Financial gifts to help with the tsunami relief efforts may be channeled through our church’s One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Checks may be made payable to First Baptist Church, Malden with a notation for “Asian Tsunami Relief”. 100% of these donations will go directly to relief and rehabilitation efforts.
Gift of the Heart Health Kits Urgently Needed.A large box will be placed in Judson Chapel in which to deposit the articles needed and a list of the items will be posted on the outside. Cash donations also are welcome to help with items needed and the shipping costs. We hope to be able to ship a large parcel before the end of February – Irene Hofmann for Group “Q”.
Love Gifts in memory or in honor of a loved. “Love Gift” money is used to assist in the total program of the American Baptist Churches including international and national mission work, educational materials, regional activities, and the work of American Baptist Men and Women. If you would like to give a $5.00 gift please indicate the name of the person under two categories: 1. In memory of and/or 2. In honor of.. Also, sign your name as the giver. The Church office must receive your love gifts on February 8th to be included in the honor roll that will be printed in the bulletin on February 13th.
Pancake Breakfast. Cub Scout Pack 603 will be having a Pancake Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 19th in the church’s Social Hall. Tickets are $5.00 per person and can be purchased after the Sunday worship service during the social hour.
Cub Scout Pack 603 is always looking for new scouts. Boys ages from 6 to 10 may register any Wednesday evening in the Social Hall at 6:00 p.m. The cost for registration is $45.00. The troop is also looking for adults to help out with the scouts. Please call Cub Master Mark Fisette if you are interested at 781-858-9189.
A Forum about the Restructuring of the Massachusetts Regional Ministry as proposed by TABCOM’s regional Board of Directors will be hosted by the Judson and Merrimack Associations on Sunday, February 27 at 4:00 p.m. at the First Calvary Baptist Church (586 Massachusetts Ave. ) in North Andover. The focus of this forum is on “Being the Body of Christ”, a call to unity and to get feedback on structure proposals. For additional information please visit
Your comment is welcomed. Thank you.