POT-LUCK LUNCH. This Sunday, October 1, is World Communion Sunday. In celebration of this, we will worship and share the Lord’s Supper together with our Christian sisters and brothers from the Hispanic (Casa de Fe) and Brazilian (CB’ Shalom) congregations that use space in our buildings.
Please note that Sunday school will be provided for children through grade 2. Children in grade 3 and older are asked to sit with their parents during the worship service.
After the service we will enjoy a potluck lunch together. Please bring a favorite main dish, vegetable or salad to share. Rolls, beverages and dessert will be provided.
Next Tuesday, October 3, retired American Baptist Missionary to Haiti, Herb Rogers, will speak at our church. A potluck lunch will begin at 11:30 a.m., followed by Herb’s message.
Please plan to join us for these special events.
COOKBOOK. The American Baptist Women are interested in making a cookbook. We are asking anyone interested to submit recipes to the church office. You may do this by email or regular mail.
DEDICATION OF PARENTS AND CHILDREN. A service of dedication for parents and children will be held during the worship service on Sunday, October 8. Interested families are asked to contact Pastor Martha Dominy for more information.
BAPTISM SERVICE. A believer’s baptism will be held during the worship service on Sunday, October 22. Anyone interested in being baptized or becoming a member of the church is asked to speak with Pastor Dominy before the class begins on September 24, 2006.
Dumpster Day at FBC. On Saturday, June 3 at 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon several areas of the Parish House and perhaps the church will be cleaned and prepared for rental, or useful storage space. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided at 10:00 a.m. and PB&J sandwiches will be served at noon. We need as many people as possible to help in this project. A sign-up list will be available during Social Hour on May 28 or call the church office to join the “dumpster team.”
Summer Worship Schedule. The summer worship schedule will begin on Sunday, June 18 and continue through September 3. Worship will begin at 10:00 a.m. in the air conditioned parlor followed by light refreshment. Bible study will continue to meet on Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. in the air conditioned kitchen.
Mission Bulletin Boards. As many are aware, we have two bulletin boards dedicated to missions. One is just inside the parking lot entrance. This board has information about what is new in the mission field, as well as a list of our active missionaries. This board also has information on some of our missionaries which we may support through sponsorship and/or letters. The other board in Judson Chapel has information including thank you notes and letters from recipients of our giving. It also has opportunities for those of use who wish to be actively involved in mission projects within and outside the country. Please take a moment and look at the boards and help yourself to the information you find there. /Owen Knight, Board of Christian Mission.
Scholarships. The Scholarship Committee of First Baptist Church is now accepting applications for the Hillyer H. Straton and Alfred and Jeanne Jones Scholarship plus the Lockhart and Allen Funds.
These scholarships are awarded to students who have completed at least one year of college and have been active members of the church for a minimum of three years prior to making application.
The Hillyer H. Straton Scholarship gives first preference to those pursuing a career in the ministry or associated fields. The Jones, Lockhart and Allen funds give us greater flexibility in presentation as those funds are available not only to those in purely academic fields but also to students attending technical fields or similar schools. The Committee will also consider persons in continuing education.
One letter is all that is necessary in applying for all scholarships. Each applicant is asked to submit a written resume which should include a personal profile and aspirations. Every applicant is carefully considered.
Please send resume to Mrs. Dorothy Foxon with address at 23 Ash Hill Road, Reading, MA 01867 or email to domar624@aol.com before Sunday, May 7th. Scholarships will be awarded during the worship service on Sunday, June 4th.
Camp Preview. On Sunday, May 7th is Camp Preview Day at Grotonwood. Following the worship service, a staff member from Grotonwood will come to give us some information about camp and show a video. The Board of Christian Education will sponsor a lunch for children interested in camp and their parents. Members of the Board of Education will be on hand to assist parents in filling out registration for camp and also camp scholarship form. Afterwards, parents are welcome to bring their children to Grotonwood for Preview Day (directions to the camp will be available).
COMMUNITY LENTEN SERVICES. The Malden Community Lenten Services will be held each Wednesday during Lent at 12:00 noon at the following locations and speakers:
March 1 – Maplewood Baptist, Rev. Richard Bakker of St. Joseph’s Parish
March 8 – Maplewood Baptist, Rev. Angela Freeman of First Lutheran
March15 – Maplewood Baptist, Rev. Paul McPheeters of Forestdale Community
March 22- St. Joseph’s Parish, Rev. John Clark of St. Paul’s Episcopal
March 29- St. Joseph’s Parish, Rev. Ruth Odour of Good Shepherd Methodist
April 5 – Good Shepherd Methodist, Rev. Reebee Girash of First Congregational
April 12 – Good Shepherd Methodist, Rev. Randy Ferrara of First Congregational
The Good Friday service will be at St. Paul’s Episcopal with Rev. John Clark and the Malden Clergy assisting.
WINTER CHANGES... During the winter months we will worship in the Parlor each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. At 9:45 a.m. the Clarke Fellowship will meet in Ireland Chapel and the Choir will rehearse in the Parlor. The children’s Sunday school classes will be combined and held in the Social Hall during the worship hour. These changes are being made to reduce our church heating bills.
Your comment is welcomed. Thank you.