? December 24, Thursday is Christmas Eve worship service at 7:00 p.m.
? December 20 is Christmas Sunday
? December 13, Sunday is 66th Annual Carol Festival at 5:00 p.m.
? December 12, Saturday is ABWM Christmas Tea at 2:00 p.m. All women and girls are invited to attend.
? November 29 is Hanging of the Greenswith lunch following the worship service.
? November 22 is Ingathering and Pledge Sunday. ABWM Bake Sale after the worship service.
? September 29 during the Tuesday Bible Study at 11:30 a.m. we welcome American Baptist Missionaries to Bulgaria, Tom and Terry Myers, as guest speakers.
? Social Committee sponsored “Apple Sunday” fellowship right after the worship service.
? Bowling on August 16 after the worship service. All church family members and friends are invited. Please speak with Claire Stevens ( 781-43…) for details.
? Lowell Spinners on Sunday, August 23 at 1:15 p.m. Please contact Claire Stevens or the church office for ticket reservation.
? Transforming Lives through Music of the World on August 29 at 3:00 p.m. in Converse Hall 88 Tremont St. Boston.
? June 6 ABW Ministries Annual Meeting at 12:00 noon.
? June 7 Lord’s Supper, Awarding of Scholarships, Layperson of the Year Recognition/lunch, Shriners pull tab program guest speaker
? June 14 Children’s Day
? June21 Combined Worship with Casa de Fe Y Alabanza in Fuller Hall of the Parish House
? June 28 Social Committee – sponsored picnic after the Worship Service
? First Annual All Faiths Festival 2009 – a tour of the Malden Houses of Worship will be on Sunday, April 26, 2009 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
? Church Work Day on Saturday, April 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
? American Baptist Women’s Ministries April Shower Pot-luck luncheon is on Saturday, April 18 at 12:30 p.m. Those able are asked to bring a dish to share.
? All Easter Flower orders must be received in the church office by April 5. Order forms are available through The Witness mail and the church bulletin on Sunday Worship.
? Palm Sunday Worship Service is on April 5 at 11:00 a.m.
“Seven Last Words” by Theo Dubois will be presented by the combined choir and orchestra at Immaculate Conception Church. Delphine Haldane and Richard Freeman are the featured soloists. Suggested donation is $10.
? Maundy Thursday worship in the church parlor on April 9 at 7:00 p.m.
? Community Good Friday Service at St. Paul’s Church on April 10 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
Rev. Martha Dominy will be preaching on the 2nd word and Dr. Robert Haldane on the 3rd word.
? Easter Worship on April 12 at 11:00 a.m.
? Lay Person of the Year 2009 is now open for nomination. Each year we honor someone in our church family who goes above and beyond the call of duty. A person who is always willing to go that extra mile for the good of the church. The Church Council will select this year’s honoree at its May meeting. Recognition will be on Sunday, June 7. Please take a moment and make your nomination giving your reasons why you feel the person deserves this honor. Nominations should be given to the Moderator Paul Patrie or Pastor Martha Dominy by May 3.
? Luncheon on April 19th after the worship service hosted by the Social Committee
? Cheese Sunday on March 29 after the worship service hosted by the Social Committee.
? Come and see the musical “OKLAHOMA” presented by the Wakefield Repertory Theater on April 5 at 2:00 p.m. in the Galvin Middle School Auditorium, Main St. in Wakefield. Tickets are $16 for adults and $14 for seniors. Group rates are available. Please speak with Claire Stevens or call the church office by March 15 to reserve a ticket.
? The Social Committee will sponsor a Pasta Dinner on Saturday April 25 at 5:30 p.m. Ticket prices will be announced later.
? Work day on Saturday, March 21 from 8 a.m. – 12 noon. Church members and friends are invited to come and help as we clean the building inside and out in preparation for the walking tour of Malden houses of worship in April.
? Chocolate Sunday is on February 28 after the morning worship service. Chocolate of all type will be served. This ‘delicious filled’ fellowship time is hosted by the Church’s Social Committee.
? LOVE GIFT in memory or in honor of a loved one will be received by February 11th to be included in the honor roll that will be printed in the bulletin on February 15th. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church of Malden. Love gift money is used to assist in the total program of the American Baptist Churches including international and national mission work, educational materials, regional activities, and the work of American Baptist Men and American Baptist Women.
? Habitat for Humanity 25th Annual International Food Fair on Saturday, February 7, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at First Church in Swampscott, Congregational located at 40 Monument Ave. Swampscott, MA. 01907 near the Swampscott Town Hall. All proceeds to benefit the Habitat for Humanity.
? Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday on February 1, 2009. Be part of this movement that begins in our own backyard and reaches across the nation. Every penny collected will go to help our neighbors in need through the Bread of Life. Last year we collected $300. We can surpass this total with everyone’s help.
? Annual Business Meeting on Sunday, February 1, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Soup lunch precedes the meeting. All members are encouraged to attend.
Your comment is welcomed. Thank you.