? Friday, December 24 at 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
? Sunday, December 12 at 5:00 p.m. 67th Annual Festival of Carols
? Sunday, November 21 is Thanksgiving In-gathering Sunday. We will be helping Housing Families, Inc. with food from our In-gathering. Suggested donations are turkeys, vegetables, pies (ready to serve), nuts, fruits, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, etc.
? Sunday, May 23 at 11:00 Pentecost worship – celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Christian Church. The church seasonal color for this day is red, and everyone is invited to wear a red item of clothing. Children in the Church school will rehearse for Children’s Day. 12:15 Pot-luck Lunch sponsored by the Mission Board. Dessert and beverage will be provided; everyone is invited to bring a main dish, salad or vegetable to share.
? Sunday, May 30 11:00 Memorial Day weekend; Trinity Sunday; this is the final service for the Sanctuary Choir until the fall. Children in the Church school will rehearse for Children’s Day. 12:00 Pie Party on the front Porch sponsored by the Social Committee. This will be held outside the Main Street entrance, weather permitting; otherwise, it will be in Judson Chapel. Please bring a favorite pie to share.
? Sunday June 6 11:00 Scholarship Sunday. Worship with Holy Communion. Children in the Church school will rehearse for Children’s Day.
? Sunday, June 13 11:00 Children’s Day Worship – the children in our Church school will lead the worship service. This is the final day for Church School until September. Recognition of our 2010 Layperson of the Year – Paul Patrie. 12:00 noon Layperson of the Year Luncheon – tickets ($6) may purchased May 23 – June 6. Sharon Strum will again cater this meal for us.
? Sunday, June 20 10:00 Father’s Day; Summer worship begins – please note the change of time (10:00 a.m.) and location (Parlor). (This schedule will continue through Labor Day Weekend.)
? Sunday, June 27 at 11:00 Church Picnic at the church. This is sponsored by the Social Committee; please let Claire Stevens know what you can contribute.
Other Social Committee-sponsored events during the summer:
July 11 11:30 Bowling
July 18 2:00 Patsy Cline @ Stoneham Theater $25
July 25 11:00 Blueberry Sunday
Aug 28 Lowell Spinners ($11 church members, $14 nonmembers) – Price includes: hot dog, drink, ice cream & program
Aug 29 11:00 Peach Sunday
? August 2-6 Daily Vacation Bible School. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to speak with Rev. Doreen Freeman.
? May 23 Pot Luck lunch Sunday at 12:15 p.m. in the Judson Chapel. A video presentation will be shown on the One Great Hour of Sharing offering’s theme: “Sharing Resources, Changing Lives.”
? May 16 Special Congregational Business Meeting on a proposal to use a portion of the congregation’s invested funds for urgent property issues.
? May 15 ABWM Annual Meeting with Pot Luck Lunch
? May 9 Mother’s Day Blanket Program Church World Service. Two Sundays before Mother’s day, April 25 and May 2, there will be a table available during social hour after church worship to make donations of $5.00 or more. Should you have questions please see Irene Hofmann or contact the church office.
? April 25 All Faiths Festival from 1-4 p.m.
? April 24 Prepare and deliver lunches for Habitat for Humanity/North Shore
? April 20 Ed and Miriam Noyes, missionaries serving in the Democratic Republic of Congo will be the guest speakers during the Tuesday Bible Study meeting at 11:30 a.m.
? April 18 David Reed and Joyce Anderson Reed, missionaries serving in Southern Baja area of Mexico, will be our guest preachers during the worship service.
? April 17 Work day at the church interior and exterior areas.
? April 4, Sunday – Easter Worship with believer’s baptism and communion.
? April 2, Friday – Good Friday Service at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
? April 1, Thursday – Maundy Thursday worship in the Parlor
? March 30, Tuesday – Bible Study @ 11:30 a.m.
? March 28, Sunday – Palm Sunday @ 11:00 a.m., Concert at Immaculate Conception Parish @ 7:30 p.m.
? March 5-6 TABCOM Mission Works – Courtyard by Marriot in Fitchburg
? Feb 26-28 Women’s and Girls’ Spiritual Retreat Courtyard by Marriot in Billerica, MA. Registration deadline is Feb. 1
? Feb. 6 11 am-2 pm. Habitat for Humanity International Food Fair & Silent auction First Church in Swampscott, Congregational (40 Monument Ave, Swampscott). Members of our Mission Board will be providing a table with Korean food.
? January 31. On Sunday we will have our Souper Bowl of Caring offering and a light soup lunch after worship, and our annual business meeting at 1:00 p.m. All church members are encouraged to attend. Annual report booklets will be available after the worship service on Jan. 24. (The Souper Bowl offering will continue on Feb. 6, also)
? Jan 24 3:00 p.m. Book discussion with the women of Trinity Baptist Church, Arlington: Bless God and Take Courage, The Judson History and Legacy at Trinity Baptist Church 115 Mass Ave. Arlington
Your comment is welcomed. Thank you.