November 2012 in our Church has never been so exciting. Please join the following events:

      Saturday, November 3
      12:00 noon
      American Baptist Women’s Ministries Pot-Luck Lunch
      All the women of the church are invited to attend
      Please bring a dish to share
      Program: White Cross
      Saturday evening, November 3
      Set your clocks BACK one hour
      Daylight Saving Time ends
      Sunday, November 4
      11:00 a.m.
      Worship with Holy Communion and Sunday School
      Everyone in attendance at worship will receive their  “GOLD NUGGET
      Saturday, November 10
      8 a.m. – 12 noon
      WORK DAY at the church
      Both outdoor and indoor projects are  planned
      Sunday, November 11
      10:00 a.m. Worship and Sunday School
      (note time change due to the  Veterans Day observances in Malden)
      Saturday, November 17
      10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
      Olde Tyme Holiday Faire at our church
      A variety of items suitable for decorating, gift giving and enjoying,
      as well as snacks and lunch will be available
      Sunday, November 18 – Thanksgiving Sunday
      11:00 a.m. Worship and Sunday school
      Thanksgiving Offering, Ingathering donations and
      2013 Financial Pledges will be received
      This year’s Thanksgiving In-gathering will again go to
      Housing Families, Inc. as they provide       food
      for their clients’ Thanksgiving dinners.
      Please contribute any items you enjoy at Thanksgiving!
      Please plan to join members of your church family in these November events!



Organists: Eric Anderson, Rosalind Mohnsen, and Marilyn Glover
The First Baptist and Immaculate Conception Choirs
The Robert K. Love Choral Art Alumni
The Malden High School Choral Art Society

A free will offering will be received.  Refreshments will be served following the concert.

?  CONGRATULATIONS Graduates Josh Bowdridge – from U.  Mass-Amherst with a degree in Criminal Justice,  Sophie Damas – from Lexington Christian Academy, Sasha Desir – with a degree in Nursing from Curry College,  Ngobitak Ndiwane – from the Mystic Valley Regional Charter School.

?  Scholarship Recipients.  The following students were recently  awarded scholarships from our church’s scholarship funds for the 2012-2013 academic year: Elizabeth Asongwed – studying Accounting and  International Business at Suffolk University,  Carl Damas – studying Architecture at Northeastern University,

Sophie Damas – studying Psychology at Gordon College,  Ndindam Ndiwane – studying Biology at U. Mass – Amherst,  Ngobitak Ndiwane – studying Biology, Health: Science, Society and Policy (HSSP), and Spanish at Brandeis University.

 Vacation Bible School will be held August 6-10 for children entering Kindergarten through grade 6.

? The Social Committee has scheduled four bowling events and has reserved tickets for a Lowell Spinners game – please refer to the Witness for the exact dates/times

? Summer Worship Venue starting July 1 – September 2 10:00 a.m. Church Parlor

Sunday, June 24  11:00 a.m. Sanctuary This will be followed by a Church Picnic at 12:00 at the church. You are invited to bring a dish to share.

? The Tuesday Bible study will continue through July, and will then recess until after Labor Day.

? Tuesday, April 10 11:30 am-1 pm Bible study using Adam Hamilton’s book and video series: Final Words from the Cross “Postscript: the words after that” Upstairs kitchen in our church

Sunday, April 8 11:00 am Easter worship in our Sanctuary (Sunday school classes will not be held; the nursery will be open for parents’ use, but not staffed)

? Thursday, April 5 7:00 pm  Maundy Thursday Worship and Communion with reflections by some of Jesus’ first followers In our church’s Parlor

? Tuesday, April 3 11:30 am-1 pm Bible study using Adam Hamilton’s book and video series: Final Words from the Cross “It Is Finished” …”Into your hands I commit my spirit” Upstairs       kitchen in our church

? Sunday, April 1 11:00 am Palm Sunday worship in our Sanctuary

? Saturday, March 31 8 am-12 noon Work Day at our church to prepare the church building and grounds for worship this spring

 Activities on February 20, 2012: “The Sailing” at 1:30 p.m. Re-enactment of     the departure from Salem Wharf, Salem, MA (weather permitting and All are     Welcome). Alternate site:  FBC Salem, MA.

?  Activities on February 19, 2012:   Morning Worship in FBC Salem at 10:30 a.m. (All are Welcome)  A. Roy Medley, General Secretary, ABC-USA
Combined Burmese Service in FBC Lynn at 9:30 a.m. (All are Welcome)
Reception – Dr. Rosalie Hunt, author of Bless God and Take Courage in FBC Salem at 1:00 p.m. (All are Welcome)
Reception at 2:00 p.m.  and meet our Special Guests in FBC Wakefield (All are Welcome)

?  Activities on February 18, 2012: Bus Tour at 10 a.m. Venue: First Baptist Church, Malden, MA. (Reservation Please)Tour cost:  $15.00 (Scholarshipavailable to those who qualify).
Dinner  at 5:00 p.m. First Baptist Church, Malden, MA. (All are welcome).
Burmese Sailing Celebration at 7:00 p.m. at First Baptist     Church, Malden, MA. (All are Welcome).

? The 208th ANNUAL MEETING will be held on January 29, 2012 after the Worship Service in the Church’s Social Hall. Light soup lunch will be served.

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