Message from Marilyn Glover:
For Housing Families—I’ll deliver what we have on Monday, December 10th, so, if anyone still wants to give something, Sunday, Dec. 9th would be the last day.
For White Cross—I’ll make a delivery of Christmas items (games, puzzles, toiletries) December 12th, so any of those items yet to be donated can be brought on Sunday, Dec. 9th, or Tuesday (Bible Study time), Dec. 11th. The other items, like clothing, etc., we can work on through next April to complete. The bags for the New Americans will be packed at FBC Lexington on Friday, Dec. 14th, beginning at 5 p.m., until about 7:00 p.m., for distribution in Lowell and Worcester in the next few days.
Marilyn is going to Lexington for the packing on Friday, Dec. 14th, if anyone would like to accompany her and participate in this grand endeavor….very meaningful and great fun!…please speak to Marilyn or call 781-322-5631.
Christmas Poinsettias (Red) to be given in memory or in honor of your loved ones are now ready for order ($6.00 each pot). Orders must include the names of recipients and the giver. Checks must be payable to First Baptist Church of Malden, MA. All orders must be received by December 16th. See form >
Our church will turn 215 on December 27, 2018. How about telling your story as member of the church? An online form is provided if you’re set to tell your story. See Our Story to get the idea.
The 75th Annual Festival of Carols on December 9th was well attended with a combined choir of 12 churches and the Malden High School Choral Art Society. The choir is directed by Richard B. Freeman with Rosalind Mohnsen at the Organ. Special music presented by Immaculate Conception Youth Choir directed by Judy Doucette and Kristina Aste Mayer, The First Nepali Baptist Church, and Casa de Fe y Alabanza.
Monday, December 24 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve worship with lessons, carols & candles.
Winter worship in the Parlor – 11:00 a.m. December 30 – April 7.
If you would like to help make a person’s life special this Christmas, several requests and suggestions are available in Judson Chapel on the White Cross request poster and “angel tree” for Housing Families
Toys and Games donations for Christmas. There are several opportunities to provide gifts for children and youth this holiday season. Please check the White Cross request form in Judson Chapel for what is needed by the Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries, donate a gift for the Judson Women’s Toy Harvest next Saturday or select an “angel tree” suggestion for Housing Families.
Sunday, December 9 @ 5:00 p.m. 75th Annual Festival of Carols. A selection of songs will be presented by a combined choir. Special selections by a children’s choir and members of the Hispanic and Nepali congregations who share our space.
Christmas Poinsettias (Red) to be given in memory or in honor of your loved ones are now ready for order ($6.00 each pot). Orders must include the names of recipients and the giver. Checks must be payable to First Baptist Church of Malden, MA. All orders must be received by December 16th.
On Sunday, November 18 is Thanksgiving Sunday – Ingathering. We will collect donations of food that will go to clients of Housing Families for their Thanksgiving dinners. Please feel free to contribute anything you would enjoy for a holiday meal.
Sunday, November 25 11:00 a.m. Rev. Dr. Mar Imsong, Executive Director of Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries will be the worship leader and guest preacher.
Sunday, December 2 12:15 p.m. Decorating of the Church for the Advent/Christmas season.
Sunday, December 9 11:00 a.m. Worship service will include the dedication of our 2019 financial pledges.
Monday, December 24 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve worship with lessons, carols & candles.
Winter worship in the Parlor – 11:00 a.m. December 30 – April 7.
On Sunday, November 11, we will participate in Bells Of Peace, a collaborative program whereby American citizens and organizations across the country will toll their bells twenty one times at 11:00 a.m. local time. On the centennial anniversary of the end of World War I (eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918), the bell tolling will provide a solemn reminder of the sacrifice and service of veterans of the Great War, and all veterans. The 21 tolls of the bell, based on the 21-gun salute, symbolize our nation’s highest honor. Please plan to arrive a few minutes early for this special event at the beginning of the worship service, as we toll our tower bells in honor and memory of all those who have served our country.
Refugee Immigration Ministry 32nd Anniversary International Dinner
November 18, 2018 5:30-8:30
Armenian Cultural and Education Center
47 Nichols Avenue, Watertown, MA
Enjoy an Evening Celebrating the Richness of Diversity!
Debuting a Film about RIM’s Volunteers by Clare Kelly
Speaker: Dr. Alexandra Pineros Shields, of Essex County Community Organization
Founder’s Award to Howard Silverman, Esq. for years of legal support of asylum seekers.
Community Service Award to Deborah Anderson, Metro North Cluster
Sharing the Gifts of Our Diverse Cultures
_____I will buy _____tickets at $40 each ______I will buy a table for 10 ($300)
______ I will buy 2 tickets for RIM Clients ($70)
For more information contact: Refugee Immigration Ministry, 6 Pleasant St., Suite 612, Malden, MA 02148, Phone: 781-322-1011. Web-site:
See Flier >
Click to access 2018Dinner.pdf
Work Day in Church Basement rental area on Saturday, November 3 at 9 a.m. – 12:00 noon.
Daylight Saving Time Ends next weekend. Please set your clocks BACK one hour Saturday evening.
FBC Malden Church Family Members: A community prayer service tonight , October 25 at 7:00 in Wakefield (learn more). If you are not able to attend in person, please take a few moments in the next day or two to offer prayers for the members of FBC Wakefield (one of our sister American Baptist Churches in the Judson Association) and the Wakefield community after this tragic loss. Pastor Martha
Save the Dates:
– Saturday, October 20 at 9:00 a.m. Work Day in the Parish House Historical Archives (Corey Room).
– Sunday, October 28 at 12:00 – Coffee Hour Conversation about Stewardship. Church members are invited to stay a little longer than usual after worship and discuss this year’s stewardship program and the financial health of our congregation. Light refreshments will be provided.
New Component to our Worship Service. On Sunday, October 28, we will be adding more music to our worship experience. Sugantha Jeevankumar and Chandrasekar Muthurajan will lead us in singing a few contemporary songs twice each month during the worship service. Plan to join us in this new endeavor.
World Mission Offering 2018 campaign this month of October. Theme: “You are the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13)
60 Days of Prayer can guide you to enhance your walk with God during this campaign. Check it out here.
Gifts to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering to support relief efforts for Hurricane Florence victims are being received. Gifts should be noted, “Hurricane Florence.”
Mission Works 2018 – Embracing Hospitality is a 3-day conference on October 11-13, 2018. The conference is in partnership with American Baptist Churches of MA, Massachusetts Baptist Multicultural Ministries (MBMM), and five other organizations. The conference will focus on theological, intercultural and practical considerations to welcoming strangers.
For more details please speak with Marilyn Glover or call the MBMM office at 781-457-8058. Email: To reserve a room at the Double Tree by Hilton, 99 Erdman Way, Leominster, MA 01453 please call 978-534-9000.
Registration: 1 day $25.00, 2 days $50.00, Full 3 days $60.00.
Meals: Lunch/day $18.00, Dinner/day $30.00, Saturday Banquet $30.00
Checks payable to: MBMM with “Mission Works” in the memo field. Mail to: MBMM, 1580 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02420.
Our children need your help to succeed in school!
Housing Families’ Annual Backpack Drive is ongoing through August 3, 2018. All donations are accepted in Housing Families main office at 919 Eastern Ave., Malden, MA. Your generous support will provide a filled backpack to each child in our program attending school and will help support our programs throughout the year. All donations made to Housing Families are tax-deductible. For more information, contact Patty at 781-322-9119 ext. 115 or Please see the most requested items list here.
• There will be a Special Congregational Business Meeting on Sunday, July 15 at 12:00 p.m. in the Parlor (immediately after worship).
The purpose of the meeting is to :
1.Receive a mid-year report on the status of the 2018 budgets (Operating, Property & Repair, and Missions)
2.Act on request(s)/recommendation(s) from the Finance and/or Property Trustees
3.Receive preliminary information about applying to have the church listed on the National Historic Register. This will include a presentation about the advantages and disadvantages (if there are any), as well as the application procedure.
• Church World Service Tools of Hope. The American Baptist Women’s Ministries is once again sponsoring Tools of Hope for Father’s Day on June 17, 2018. Each $5.00 gift will bring “Tools of Hope” to people who struggle to survive. Tools help bring hope and change. If you would like to give a tool in memory or honor of a loved one please fill out the form (provided in the church Sunday bulletin) and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office. Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church, Malden. Print Form Here
• This coming Sunday, May 20, is Pentecost – the day in the Christian calendar when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the early disciples, and to us. It is the day we observe as the birthday of the Christian Church. The liturgical color for the day is RED. You are invited to join in the celebration by wearing something red to church this Sunday
• The Scholarship Committee of First Baptist Church is now accepting applications for the Hillyer H. Straton and the Alfred and Jeanne Jones Scholarships, plus the Lockhart and Allen Funds. These scholarships are awarded to students who have been active members of the church for a minimum of three years prior to making application. One letter is all that is necessary in applying for a scholarship. Each applicant is asked to submit a written resume which should include a personal profile and aspirations. Every applicant is carefully considered. Please email resume to: Mrs. Dorothy Foxon at by May 13.
• RIM-Spring Flower Fundraiser 2018. Order forms are available in Judson Chapel during coffee hour. Orders accepted through May 13. Pickup date is May 20, 2018.
• Church Women United May Friendship Day on Saturday, May 12 at 9:00 a.m. (Breakfast). Program starts at 10:00 a.m.
• The American Baptist Women’s Ministries of First Baptist Malden is once again sponsoring Blanket Sunday on Mother’s Day on May 13, 2018. If you would like to give a blanket in memory or in honor of a loved one, please fill out the form provided in the church worship bulletin before the deadline on May 8, 2018 or Print Form here >
Each $5.00 gift enables someone in need to receive a blanket of warmth. Please make check payable to First Baptist Church of Malden.
Filled out form can be submitted by placing it in the offering plate during the worship service or mail to First Baptist Church Malden church office at 493 Main Street Malden, MA. 02148.
Deadline: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 (Honor roll will be included in the Worship bulletin on Mother’s day, May 13, 2018).
• Daylight Saving Time Begins on Sunday, March 11, 2018. Please remember to set your clocks AHEAD one hour Saturday evening.
• Easter Plants are now available and provided by our Boy Scout Troop 603 for a price of $10.00 each.The choices are: Lilies, Tulips, Azaleas, Daffodils and Hyacinths. There is no color choice. Please make checks payable to “Boy Scout Troop 603” and sent to the church office. The deadline to order is March 18.
• Sunday, March 18 @11:00 a.m. Winter Worship in the Parlor Concludes
• Wednesday, March 21 @ 6:00 p.m. Parlor Set-up for Maundy Thursday
• Saturday, March 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Church Cleaning Day to prepare the Sanctuary & other rooms for use this spring
• Sunday, March 25 PALM SUNDAY @ 11:00 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary
• Sunday, March 25 PALM SUNDAY @ Concert in Immaculate Conception Parish @ 7:30 p.m. “Olivet to Calvary” by John Henry Maunder. Free-will Donation
• Thursday, March 29 @ 7:00 p.m. MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship in the Parlor with Communion and Tenebrae
• Sunday, April 1 @ 11:00 a.m. EASTER Worship in the Sanctuary
• Free Bread of Life Concert on Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. in First Lutheran Church of Malden, 98 Waite Street, Malden. No donation necessary. Concertgoers may bring non-perishable food items for the Bread of Life pantry.
• Ash Wednesday Service on February 14 at 12 noon in the Parlor. A light lunch is provided in the kitchen. Ash Wednesday is a Christian observance of lent that begins 40 days before Easter Sunday on April 1, 2018. This year, it is on Wednesday, February 14 (the count is 46 days to Easter excluding 6 Sundays). Lent is a period of reflection on the atoning death of Jesus at the cross for the remission of our sins. Why 40 days? This is in commemoration of the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert before His public ministry, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
• On Saturday, February 3 at 11 am to 2 pm – Habitat for Humanity-North Shore International Food Fair in First Church, Swampscott 40 Monument Ave. Our church will serve Korean Food. Everyone is invited to come.
• Sunday, February 4 is Souper Bowl of Caring Offering for Bread of Life.
• The Annual Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. for all church members. A soup lunch will be served prior to the meeting.
Our Church promotes Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) on January 2018. Generosity is central to our faith, and is emphasized in this year’s theme – Generous Congregations.
• Greeters and Social Hour hosts are needed. Please sign up on the board during Social Hour.
Happy New Year! Thinking of a fresh start and getting back on track is foremost in our mind these early days of 2018. To be successful, however, you need to have the right motivation and letting Christ direct your plans. Learn more >