May 29, 2020

Church Family Members:

Last week I sent you an email detailing some of the protocols we must follow as we prepare to worship in person again at the church. I had stated I believed we could meet together on June 7. After re-evaluating the steps in the process, I realize we will not be ready to open on that date.

At this time, we are working on having the Sanctuary cleaned and professionally sanitized. We will then work on marking the designated seats throughout the room, so that members of the same household may sit together, while each separate household will be socially-distanced by at least 6 feet.

In this Phase 1 of Governor Baker’s reopening plan, the rule remains for a maximum of 10 people to gather in one place; in granting houses of worship permission to open in this early phase, the commonwealth gives churches a special “deal” – basically to ignore this important safety precaution of limited attendance. Personally, I don’t know what makes a house of worship any safer than any other building. In March, as the coronavirus was spreading and schools, libraries and other institutions were closing, our Deacons and I decided – out of concern for those in our congregation with health issues who might be more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus – to not gather for in-person worship; this was even before the government leaders reduced the gathering size to 10.

As we make the necessary changes in the building to reopen, we are also monitoring the health of the wider community. In particular, how the commonwealth’s Phase 1 (and eventual Phases 2 and 3) reopening are affecting the level of new infections, hospitalizations and deaths. The continual decline of these metrics will indicate that it may be safer for people to gather in a socially-responsible manner.

When we do reopen and gather in person for worship, the names of everyone who attends and where they sit, must be recorded. The Board of Health is requiring this so that if an attendee later tests positive, this record will help in the necessary follow-up tracing.

As most of us have learned over the last 10 weeks, life is different now. There will also be changes at the church. When we are again able to worship together, due to health regulations, everyone will be required to wear a face covering or mask, unless medically exempt.

Many health officials have recommended not including any congregational speaking or singing – due to the fact that saliva could be released, even through a mask. In addition, we need to practice safe-distancing to reduce potential contamination, therefore, there will be no passed offering plates or communion trays.

The typical order of worship will be:
Organ Prelude
Call to worship & Invocation (Pastor)
Special music – solo from Choir Loft?
Pastoral Prayer from pulpit
Organ Postlude

Many denominational and ecumenical leaders have urged churches to not rush in reopening. No one wants to have a church become the site for the sharing of this new and deadly virus. So, we do not have a specific reopening date – we are thoughtfully and prayerfully preparing our building and monitoring the health of the community.

In the meantime, prerecorded audio services will continue to be provided on the church’s website ( each Sunday. In addition, the new devotionals for June-August of The Secret Place and Our Daily Bread have arrived. If you would like a copy, please contact the church office (781-324-2745 x300) and one may be mailed to you, or we can make other arrangements.

Please keep all those who have been affected by the coronavirus in our prayers, as well as the leaders at various levels of government who are making difficult decisions to keep us safe and reopen the economy. And please also pray for the houses of worship as they consider how to safely reopen.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Pastor Martha

Mail: 493 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5107
Telephone: 781-324-2745 