The following guideline is issued by the church Administration relative to re-opening of In-person worship services.
Church Family Members:
After 14 months of separation and pre-recorded audio services, we will physically worship together live in the Sanctuary on May 23 at 11:00 am! Covid restrictions will still be in place, so face coverings and social distancing will need to be practiced by everyone. In addition, attendees are required to call the church office by this Thursday, May 20 to make a reservation (781) 324-2745 x300). We will need name(s) and a contact phone #. I expect these rules will be gradually relaxed in the coming weeks.
When you attend, please use the entrance from the parking lot with three steps leading up to the door.. Once inside, you will be asked to sanitize your hands, put on a face covering, place your offering in the designated offering plate, and check in at the registration table. You will then be assigned a seat in one of the designated pews in the Sanctuary. Please note, due to the pandemic restrictions, there will be no congregational singing during the service this week.
Thus, I expect the service will last about 35-40 minutes.
Those who are church members are invited and encouraged to stay in their seats after the worship service for the special congregational business meeting to elect representatives to the Pastoral Search Committee. Non-church members will be excused at the end of the worship service, by rows, and are asked to exit through the door at the front right of the Sanctuary..
It will be wonderful to see each other again in person and worship in the building together. The first floor of the building is being professionally cleaned and sanitized this week, and we will be cleaning and sanitizing it each subsequent week. The elected leadership and staff of the church are doing everything we can to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those who wish to worship in person.
I look forward to seeing many of you in person at the church on May 23 or some future Sunday.
Pastor Martha