Sunday, March 31, 2024, is Easter Sunday. If you would like to order flowers, please send
this form to the church office with your check, made payable to Roslyn Nowak. Also, you can
place the order form in the offering plate during worship service.
Mailing address: First Baptist Church 493 Main Street, Malden, MA. 02148
All orders are due by March 24.
I wish to order:
_________ Lilies/pot at $10.00 _________ Tulips/pot at $8.00
(All selections are according to availability)
Given in: Memory of: _____________________ Honor of: ______________________
Given by: __________________________ Phone no. __________________
Payment enclosed: $ ______________
I will pick up _____________________
Please give to a shut-in ____________
For more information, please call church office Tel. no. 781-324-2745,