Please pray for those closest to her as they grieve this loss – in particular, her three sons and one grandson.
The family is not planning a funeral service in the immediate future, but will be honoring Irene in a graveside service, probably some time in May. That service will not be private, so any who desire to attend will be invited to do so. Once the details for that service are set, I will pass those on through email and other means.
“…blessed are those who die in the Lord…” REVELATION 14:13
“I came to First Baptist in the fall of 1976 to join the choir as alto soloist under the direction of Robert K. Love. To sing in such a large and well-trained choir was a wonderful experience for me! In December of 1986 I became an official member of the church along with my husband, Frank. We both enjoyed the fellowship of this warm and welcoming congregation. I have served on many boards and committees over the years including the church council, mission board and church use committee. I was active in the Mr. & Mrs. Fellowship group for many years and especially enjoyed working on the “Famous Ham & Bean Suppers” with musical entertainment which the group presented. I was the leader of the Group Q women’s group for many years and have been an active member and treasurer of the American Baptist Women’s Group until the present time. Although our congregation is much smaller now, we all still enjoy the warm and friendly fellowship of our present members and friends. I am still singing each week with our choir and thank both Richard Freeman and Marilyn Glover for their good leadership. All in all, my experiences at First Baptist have been some of the best times in my life and I praise God daily for His presence in my own life and in that of our church. Irene Hofmann is Vice Chair of the Mission Board 2014.”