“I will praise you and testify about what you have done” Psalm 22:22
Dear Friends,
In the above verse, the psalmist tells of God’s many acts of deliverance and rescue in tumultuous times. We praise God for all the wonders that He is performing in our lives.
It’s up to us to answer God’s call to help and to heal. COVID -19 has devastated communities across the United States and Puerto Rico. We hear about wildfires raging in the West, floods rising in the East, hurricane Ida leaving destruction from the Gulf Coast to the Northeast, unemployment, homelessness, children living in poverty. It would be a bleak picture indeed if it weren’t for God’s love in its fullest expression in American Baptist congregations and communities.
American Baptist partners are faithfully serving with helping ministries and creative responses to the diverse needs, whether helping innocent children living in conditions of poverty, assisting a family that is being evicted, providing food and shelter to the homeless man pushing all his belongings in a shopping cart, and so many others hurting and lost.
Through our financial partnership with the American Baptist Home Mission Societies, we can together work to bring more hope into our broken world with leaders and disciples who are the hands and feet of Jesus.
Our gifts to the America for Christ Offering can help bring God’s healing touch to so many.
Marilyn E. Glover
For the Board of Christian Mission
The following videos are testimonies praising God for what He has done through America for Christ Offering. This year’s theme is “Testimony” “I will praise you and testify about what you have done” Psalm 22:22