Our church promotes Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO) this month of January, 2017. Learn more >
Get involved in our Christian Mission program. Click here >
This month of May, 2016 we will be supporting One Great Hour Of Sharing Offering. This is the American Baptist response to worldwide disaster relief and development. One Great Hour of Sharing in cooperation with other denominations, is a channel for national and international aid in times of crisis. Learn more >
“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” Ephesians 2:10.
Following is a letter addressed to members and friends of First Baptist Church, Malden dated March 2, 2016 by Ms. Marilyn E. Glover, Chair of FBC, Malden Board of Christian Mission:
Dear Friends in Christ,
Our American Baptist family has a long heritage as a compassionate and giving people. Since 1824, American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS) has been declaring and proclaiming the gospel of our Lord in word and deed. Today, ABHMS remains rooted in that Word and committed to responding to the ever-changing needs of churches and communities in the United States and Puerto Rico.
The America for Christ Offering 2016 theme “Discipleship: Becoming More Like Christ” reminds us that, as American Baptists, we embody the love of our Lord in word and deed. Our service is a way of life for Christ’s church. Extending the hope, love, and compassion of our Lord to our neighbors and communities is a powerful demonstration that we have been transformed.
Please join me in giving generously to this year’s America for Christ Offering and, in doing so, help us to reach our $800 goal, as a church in support of home mission.
Marilyn E. Glover, for the Board of Christian Mission.
Our church is promoting the America for Christ Offering 2016, which seeks to raise funds to support American Baptist mission and ministry across the United States and Puerto Rico. This year’s theme is “Discipleship: Becoming More Like Christ”. It is based on Ephesians 2:10: “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life” (NRSV). The theme is a wonderful biblical reminder that Jesus’ public ministry was all about engagement and compassion for people in need. Through the work of American Baptist Home Mission Societies, which is supported by the America for Christ Offering, we can participate with our Lord in serving our neighbors in our churches and communities. Please join us in praying for and becoming involved in supporting the America for Christ Offering 2016! Together, we can inspire someone with the hope and love of Jesus Christ in word and deed. In Ephesians 2:10, God offers not merely a new lease on life but a new life itself, in which we are no longer to walk in trespasses and sins but, rather, in good works. This is our new way of life.
World Mission Offering 2015

Dear Friends at First Baptist,
God is doing new and surprising things in once Communist Hungary!
Forgetting what is behind: Churches now have the opportunity to run schools, where they can teach the Bible, nurture students in their faith and open new doors by providing courses in conversational English. As part of this new approach to education, International Ministries’ partner, Hungarian Baptist Aid, has been given the opportunity to manage 49 schools throughout this eastern European country, serving 17,000 students in grades K-12 – and the impact has been staggering!
Students and teachers alike are blossoming in grace-filled environments as they study the Bible and see first hand what a difference Jesus can make in their lives. After-school clubs are reaching students with the gospel message, practical Bible teaching and the joy of the Lord. Students are stretching their conversational English skills, thanks to American Baptists who are responding to the immediate and ongoing need for English-speaking teachers.
May we at First Baptist, Malden “Forget what is behind and stretch forward to what is ahead!”
Marilyn E. Glover, for the Board of Christian Mission
America For Christ Offering 2015
Theme: Discipleship: A Journey of Grace
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope – the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ…” Titus 2: 11-13 (NIV)
Dear Friends,
As we look around our community, we see countless people in need of Jesus’s love and healing touch. We may ponder: What difference can one make in addressing so many needs? Together, though, we can make a difference by supporting the America for Christ (AFC) Offering 2015.
The theme, “Discipleship: A Journey of Grace,” based on Titus 2: 11-13 is a wonderful reminder that Jesus’s public ministry was all about connecting and caring for people in need. On each day of His journey, the compassion of Jesus was felt by someone somewhere.
As disciples of Christ, we have learned that we should live to love because true freedom in Christ enables us to do so by the power of the Spirit in our lives. The working of God’s grace can b e seen most often during difficult times, and shows itself in our lives as we gladly seek to help others carry their burdens.
The AFC Offering 2015 reminds us that when grace happens we receive not a nice compliment from God but a new heart, a transformed life that becomes the hands, the feet and the voice of Jesus Christ in our communities and as we connect with people every day.
How do we see the grace of Jesus Christ at work in our community? Please join me in giving generously to this year’s America for Christ Offering, and help us reach our goal of $ 750 in support of home missions that make a difference.
Yours in Christ,
Marilyn Glover
Chair, Board of Christian Mission
Remember Kathy Charland? She is one of the International Ministries missionaries our church has been supporting in prayer and financial giving. Now, she is in Zambia. Click here for her report – courtesy of Irene Hofmann.
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