Dear Friends,

Our church follows the teaching of Jesus to “love your neighbor as yourself” by reaching out to the community and providing for our neighbors’ needs, both physical and spiritual alike. These efforts are supported by the American Baptist Home Mission Societies (ABHMS), which provides resources for cultivating leaders, equipping disciples, and healing and transforming communities. Through ABHMS, we serve neighbors in Puerto Rico and other places in the United States in many ways to help our church love our many neighbors, near and far.

In 2019, our church’s AFC gifts supported the following ministries:
* Rebuilding, restoring, renewing Puerto Rico – rebuilding the island one church and one building at a time.
* Scholarships for emerging leaders – providing scholarships to students to help ease the debilitating effects of excessive student loan debt.
*Immigration and Refugee Resettlement – partnering with organizations that have resettled more than 100,000 displaced persons from across the globe.
* Rizpah’s children – partnering with agencies that provide support to children living in poverty.

AFC 2020 empowers our local and national efforts to “love our neighbor.” Please join me in giving to this year’s AFC offering and help us reach our goal of $600, as we partner with ABHMS to love our neighbor and share the gospel!


Marilyn E. Glover, for the Board of Christian Mission