The American Baptist Women’s Ministries is once again sponsoring Tools of Hope for Father’s
Day on June 16, 2024.
Each $5.00 gift will bring “Tools of Hope” to people who struggle to survive. Tools help bring
hope and change.
If you would like to give a tool in memory or honor of a loved one, please print and fill out form.
Mail with check to First Baptist Church, Malden Church Office at 493 Main Street, Malden,
MA. 02148 on or before June 10, 2024. You may also personally place your gift to church
offering plate during worship service.
(Note: The recipient’s name and giver will be included in the Sunday bulletin on Father’s Day).
In Memory of : _________________________________________________________________
In honor of : ___________________________________________________________________
Given by : _____________________________________________________________________
In Memory of : _________________________________________________________________
In honor of : ___________________________________________________________________
Given by : _____________________________________________________________________
In Memory of : _________________________________________________________________
In honor of : ___________________________________________________________________
Given by : _____________________________________________________________________
In Memory of : _________________________________________________________________
In honor of : ___________________________________________________________________
Given by : _____________________________________________________________________
Total number of tools: ____________________ Amount: $ ___________________________
Please make check payable to First Baptist Church of Malden.