60 Days of Prayer
The global servants and staff of International Ministries are pleased to bring you 60 special prayers to enhance your walk with God during your church’s World Mission Offering (and beyond).
Our inspiration for these prayer comes from Jesus’ words to his followers, “You are the salt of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13)
Please use these prayers and the Biblical Reflection with church groups, in worship services or in quiet personal meditation, using them as the salt that will bring ever more flavor to your walk with Jesus.
Day 1. Make us salt and light to a hungry and dark world as we powerfully proclaim and courageously live out the good news of Jesus that brings hope and healing. Aaron and Valerie Osterbrock, Malaysia | Day 2. Lord, be the loving father to those who don't know a father's love. Restore wholeness to those who are broken and feel unloved. Alise and Mark Juanes, Thailand. | Day 3. Father, create in us a heart like yours. Help us to be bold and compassionate with the good news of Jesus. Amanda and Jon Good, Hungary |
Day 4. Break our hearts with care for those who suffer, and work through hands and hearts to bring the love of Christ to those who cross our paths daily. Ann and Bill Clemmer, Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan. | Day 5. Jesus, the mothers and fathers of refugee children are tired of war. Please tenderly dry their salty tears and restore peace and hope to their lives. Ann and Bruce Borquist, Southeast Asia and Japan. | Day 6. We work every day with people who are bought and sold, used and abused, and seem to always be at risk. It is not easy to remain as your salt in the world. Renew our saltiness again, O Lord, that all whom we encounter and serve may savor your presence and your purpose for their lives. Annie and Jeff Dieselberg, Thailand |
Day 7. Open doors and equip us with every good thing, that we might do effective work and speak clearly the mystery of Christ. Barbara & Dwight Bolick, Chile | Day 8. Today, Lord, let me be so close to you that you become a part of my every conversation. Let my life be a prayer. Becky Mann, Thailand; Mike Mann, Global. | Day 9. Jesus, help us to use the many gifts you have given to bring others closer to you. May our flavor be ever pleasing to you. Brian & Lynette Smith, Haiti |
Day 10. Lord, we pray that you will provide us the needed resources to be in Colombia serving as salt to the Wayuu in the Guajira Northern Region. Carlos Bonilla & Mayra Giovanetti, Nicaragua | Day 11. Thank you for the gift of your precious children with learning and behavioral challenges. Awaken the areas of their brains that are not functioning as they should and strengthen each one in mind, body and spirit. Carmella Jones, Hungary. | Day 12. May IM's Nepali colleagues, being salt to their world of Hindu neighbors, continually show the love of God through their various ministries of healing; physically, mentally and spiritually. Carole Sydnor, Nepal. More prayers soon. |
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