34th Annual Palm Sunday Concert
April 14, 2019 7:30 p.m.
Immaculate Conception Church, Malden, Massachusetts
Participants: Combined area church choirs and soloists
Director of Music and Organist, Immaculate Conception Church, Malden: Ms. Rosalind Mohnsen Baritone: Mr. Richard Freeman
Tenor: Mr. Patrick Brady
Soprano: Ms. Judy Doucette
The Chorus
First Baptist church, Malden
First Community United Methodist Church, Medford
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Malden/Medford
St. Camillus Catholic Church, Arlington
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, Salem
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Beverly
St. Joseph Catholic Church, Malden
St. Peter’s Community, Malden
St. Thomas Catholic Church, Wilmington
Introduction: Soprano Solo (Lamentations 1:12; Ruth 1:20) For the Lord Almighty hath dealt bitterly with me. Call me now no more Naomi, from today call me Mara.
First Word: Baritone and Tenor Solo, with Chorus Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34) And the people clamor’d: He is death-guilty; (Matthew 26:66) take him, take him, let us crucify him! (Mark 15:13) Be his blood on us, and on our children! (Matthew 27:25) Then they did crucify Jesus, and the two thieves, one at His right hand, the other at His left hand. (Luke 23:33)
Second Word: Duet for Tenor and Baritone, with Chorus Thou shalt be in Paradise today with me. Amen, so I tell thee. (Luke 23:43) Hear me, O Lord, and remember me, when Thou comest into Thy kingdom. (Luke 23:42)
Third Word: Solos for Soprano, Tenor, Baritone with Chorus See, O woman! here behold thy son beloved. (John 19:26-27)
Fourth Word: Baritone Solo God, my Father, why hast Thou forsaken me? (Matthew: 27:46 and Mark 15:34) All those who were my friends, all have now forsaken me, and they that hate me do now prevail against me; and he whom I have cherished, he hath betray’d me. Even the vine that I have chosen, and that I have planted: wherefore art thou now so strangely turned into bitterness, that I by thee am crucified?
Fifth Word: Chorus, and Solos for Tenor and Baritone I am athirst! (John 19:28) And the Jews then passing by him, all did rail upon him, and wagging their heads at him, they said unto him: Ah! Thou wouldst fain destroy the temple; if thou be Jesus, Son of the Father, now from the cross descend thou, that we behold it, and believe on thee when we behold it. If thou art king over Israel, save thyself, then! (Mark 15:29-30)
Sixth Word: Tenor Solo and Chorus Father, into Thy hands I commend my soul. (Luke 23:46) For Thou art my God and my Father; Thou art my Savior. (Psalm 89:26)
Seventh Word: Solo for Soprano, Tenor and Baritone, with Chorus And with a loud voice Jesus cried, exclaiming: “It is finished!” And He did bow His head, and rendered up His spirit (John 19:30) And it was about the sixth hour; and the sun was darkened, and darkness covered the earth, until about the ninth hour; and the veil of the temple was rent, and all the earth did quake; (Luke 23:44) and the rocks were rent, and all the graves were opened wide. (Matthew 27:52) Christ, we do all adore Thee, and we do praise Thee forever; for on the holy cross hast thou the world from sin redeemed.
Christ, We do all adore Thee.
Audio recording Courtesy of Don Labbe/Edited and Published by Joamsons. April 16, 2019