Prelude: “Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine” Lani Smith
Call to Worship and Invocation
Lighting the Christ Candle: Ysabella and Prarthana
Carol “Angels from the Realms of Glory”
The Prophecy
Scripture: Jeremiah 23:5-6; Isaiah 11:1-3a; Isaiah 9:2;
Isaiah 9:6-7; Isaiah 7:14
Carol “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
The Angel’s Message to Mary
Scripture: Luke 1:26-35,37-38,46b-49
Solo: Sugantha Jeevankumar “Breath of Heaven” Amy Grant and Chris Eaton
The Angel’s Message to Joseph
Scripture: Matthew 1:18-24a
Carol “Lo, how a Rose E’er Blooming”
The Birth of Jesus
Scripture: Luke 2:1,3-7
Carol “Away in a Manger”
The Angel’s Message to the Shepherds
Scripture: Luke 2:8-12
Solo: Chandru Muthurajan “Somewhere in Your Silent Night” John Mark Hall
Scripture: Luke 2:13-14
Carol “Angels We have heard on High”
The Shepherds’ Response
Scripture: Luke 2:15-18
Carol “Go Tell It on the Mountain”
The Search for the Child
Scripture: Luke 2:20, Matthew 2:1-5a, 7,9-12
Carol “We Three Kings”
Presentation of Our Gifts
Offertory: “A Boy is Born for Us” adapted by Michael Praetorius.
Offertory Prayer
Carol “O Little Town of Bethlehem”
The Circle of Light: The Congregation forms a circle, and the Sanctuary is darkened. The light from the Christ candle is shared to each one singing “Silent Night”.
Jesus Christ, The Light of the World
Scripture: John 1:1-5, 14a; 1 John 1:5-7; John 8:2
Carol “Silent Night, Holy Night”
Litany of Joy read by the leader and congregation
Carol “Joy to the World”
Postlude: “Hark, the Glad Sound” by Edward Broughton, Tune: Chesterfield, attributed to Thomas
Worship Participants
Worship Leader- Rev. Gary McClenthen
Lay Leader – Michael Huddy
Organist – Marilyn Glover
Soloists – Sugantha Jeevankumar, Chandrasekar Muthurajan