Celebrating Fourth of July
Celebrating Independence day is significant as it reminds us of the freedom that comes with it. But personal freedom to do what we want is not enough. We still long for peace and freedom from sin that only Christ Jesus can give. True freedom requires more and Pastor Martha Dominy speaks about it in her sermon entitled “Freedom In Christ”.
Prelude: “My Country, ’tis of Thee” Tune: “America” from “Thesaurus Musicus”, 1745; arranged by Robert J. Hughes
Piano Duet: Marilyn & Linda Glover “Battle Hymn of the Republic” Words written by Julia Ward Howe in 1865, Music taken from the song “John Brown’s Body”
The Lord’s Prayer
Scripture: John 8:31-36
Sermon: “Freedom In Christ” Rev. Martha Dominy
Communion: The Bread and the Cup. Please feel free to partake of the bread that represents Christ’s body that was broken for us and the cup (grape juice or wine) that represents His blood that was shed for the remission of our sins in the privacy of your home together with your family.
Closing Hymn
Postlude: “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” Tune: “Materna” by Samuel A. Ward; arranged by James Mansfield
Pianist: Ms. Marilyn Glover