Prelude: “The Journey to Bethlehem” by Cesar Franck edited by David Paxton
Welcome and Announcements: Rev. Gary McClenthen
Responsive Call to Worship read by Jeffrey Lantin
Hymn: “Come, Thou Long-expected Jesus”
Lighting the Advent Candle One with Ysabella and Prarthana
Praise and Worship with Chandru, Sugantha, Danny and Rachel
Moments of Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Offertory Anthem: “And Glory Shone Around” Words by Nahum Tate, Music by Diane Hannibal, Arranged by J. Paige, Choir directed by Richard Freeman
Scripture: 1 John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 13:4-8   read by Vinny Brandano
Sermon: “Real Love” by Rev. Gary McClenthen
Hymn: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
Postlude: “Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying” by Johann Gottfried Walther, arranged by Edward Broughton
Organist: Marilyn Glover

Listen to the Sermon >

Our worship service this morning brings together members and friends of the Maplewood Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Malden, MA. led by Pastor Gary McClenthen of Maplewood Baptist Church. Over 150 years ago, Maplewood Baptist church was formed by members of the First Baptist Church to hold services in the Maplewood neighborhood of Malden. Due in part to recent transitions experienced by both congregations, we have felt led to try something new by worshiping together each Sunday. We welcome you today as both congregations continue to discern God’s plan for mission and ministry in Malden and our surrounding communities. Recordings of the service are published online, and a Zoom link is available upon request.

Rev. Gary McClenthen, Pastor Maplewood Baptist Church.

Pastor Gary McClenthen has been serving Maplewood Baptist Church for almost 10 years, having worked in multi-staff churches over a few decades in the areas of youth ministry, musical worship and discipleship. Gary loves teaching God’s Word, book by book; verse by verse. Gary loves watching people grow in the Lord and has learned from years of experience that no one is so far gone, that he can’t be radically transformed, put back together by the power hidden in the grace of God! Pastor Gary has been married to his wife, Tami, for more than 25 years, is a father to six children, and believes strongly in adoption, and what that process can do to turn a kid’s life around for good!
Lighting of Advent Candle One by Ysabella and Prarthana. November 27, 2022